Eligible Improvements are for safety, efficiency and code violation repairs only. These improvements include but are not limited to: ramps, sidewalks, grab bars, shower accessibility, high boy toilets, drive way repair, hand rails, HVAC (heating only) repair / replacement, window or door replacement for energy efficiency, insulated vinyl siding installation and water heater replacement, roofing, electrical, plumbing, painting (Lead Based Paint), termite or dry rot damage/repair. Other Eligible Repairs to be determined on an as-needed basis and must be approved by HCD staff and meet the intent of the Safe Homes for OC Seniors Program. Improvements that go beyond the requirements of a safe and healthy living environment are not eligible for work on this Program. Examples of non-included repairs are not limited to: decks for entertainment purposes, outdoor cooking facilities, non-housing structures, and cosmetic finishes beyond exterior painting.